Announcing the 2017-2018 UCSF Global Cancer Program Fellows
August 10, 2017
The Global Cancer Program at UCSF’s HFDCCC has awarded fellowships to three early-career professionals for the 2017-2018 academic year. Rachel Pearline Receives NCI Global Cancer Research Humanitarian Award
July 28, 2017
Donald and Sarah Pearline receive the award on Rachel’s behalf from the NCI’s Dr. John Flanigan $1M NIH Grant helps Researchers Refine Quick Cancer Test
By Blaine Friedlander on July 28, 2017
Team members Aggrey Semeere, left, Mitterand Kirya, of the Infectious Diseases Institute, researcher Andrea Gardner of Weill Cornell Medicine and engineering doctoral student Ryan Snodgrass in Kamapala, Uganda. UCSF Faculty Attend the UICC World Cancer Congress
July 28, 2017
UCSF Faculty Attend the UICC World Cancer Congress, Oct 31-Nov 3, 2016 East Africa Collaborative Scientific Symposium
July 28, 2017
Global Cancer Program Faculty and Collaborators Attend UCSF East Africa Collaborative Scientific Symposium Global Cancer Program’s Inaugural Lecture
July 28, 2017
Dr. Shulman discussed his experiences in establishing cancer care resources at Butaro Hospital in Rwanda and shared his insight into how to tackle high cancer burdens in low-resource settings. Future Leaders in Global Cancer
April 01, 2017
April 2017 meeting of Future Leaders in Global Cancer. April meeting attendees are pictured with two of the faculty mentors, Katherine Van Loon, MD, MPH and Linda Abramovitz, RN, MSN, BMTCN. Other mentors not pictured include Stella Bialous, RN, DrPH, Robert Hiatt, MD, PhD, and Paul Volberding, MD.