In early 2017, the Global Cancer Program faculty launched Future Leaders in Global Cancer group, a mentoring and career development seminar for trainees and junior faculty with interests in global cancer control.
This group, currently 22 in number, consists of students, trainees, and early career health professionals from a variety of disciplines. Current members come from U.C. Berkeley and Stanford as well as from UCSF’s School of Medicine, School of Nursing, Graduate Division, and training programs in internal medicine, radiation oncology, pediatric oncology, medical oncology, and pathology. Five Global Cancer Program faculty members from different disciplines serve as mentors to the group. The group meets monthly to review works in progress and to discuss career development in the emerging field of global cancer.
The group meets on the last Monday of each month at 6 PM in Mission Hall. If you are interested in joining or would like to recommend someone for the program, please contact [email protected].