Michael Potter, MD
Dr. Potter is a professor in the School of Medicine, director of the San Francisco Bay Area Collaborative Research Network (SFBayCRN) and associate director for Practice-Based Research in the CTSI Community Engagement and Health Policy Program. SFBayCRN is UCSF's primary healthcare practice based research network, with participation from the UCSF Schools of Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, and Dentistry. Dr. Potter’s current work focuses on interventions to increase cancer screening rates and enhance self-management support for chronic illnesses such as diabetes and sickle cell disease. He is co-chair of the Professional Education and Practice Implementation task group for the National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable and co-leads the colorectal cancer task group for the San Francisco Cancer Initiative. He recently served as faculty for a dissemination and implementation training program jointly sponsored by the governments of Argentina and the United States.