Amie Lee, MD

Assoc Prof Clinical Radiology
+1 415 885-7464

Dr. Lee is an assistant professor in the Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging at UCSF. She specializes in breast imaging, with clinical expertise in the imaging diagnosis and management of breast malignancies. She provides services at the UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center and at the Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital Avon Breast Center, including care for the underserved population of San Francisco County. Her research has focused on the improvement of national breast MRI reporting practices and on optimizing imaging evaluation in women with signs and symptoms of breast cancer. Her interests also include enhancing early diagnosis of breast cancer in low-resource settings through improved utilization of targeted breast ultrasound and ultrasound-guided biopsy. She is currently involved in breast imaging and fine needle aspiration educational collaborations with the Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.


Multi-institutional Evaluation and Training of Breast Density Classification AI Algorithm Using ACR Connect and AI-LAB.

Journal of the American College of Radiology : JACR

Brink L, Romero RA, Coombs L, Tilkin M, Mazaheri S, Gichoya J, Zaiman Z, Trivedi H, Medina A, Bizzo BC, Chang K, Kalpathy-Cramer J, Kalra MK, Astuto B, Ramirez C, Majumdar S, Lee AY, Lee CI, Cross NM, Chen PH, Ciancibello M, Chiunda A, Nachand D, Shah C, Wald C

Forget Me Not: Incidental Findings on Breast MRI.

Journal of Breast Imaging

Chung M, Ton L, Lee AY

Ectopic Abdominal Breast Tissue.

Journal of Breast Imaging

Tatem AR, Lee AY

Prevalent vs Incident Screen: Why Does It Matter?

Journal of Breast Imaging

Hayward JH, Lee AY, Sickles EA, Ray KM

MRI of the Lactating Breast.

Radiographics : a review publication of the Radiological Society of North America, Inc

Xu K, Chung M, Hayward JH, Kelil T, Lee AY, Ray KM

The role of digital mammographic surveillance for detection of asymptomatic recurrence in autologous flap reconstructions.

Clinical imaging

Hastings-Robinson A, Chung M, Hayward JH, Ray KM, Price ER, Navarro R, Joe BN, Lee AY

Radiation safety in an era of diagnostic radiology growth in Africa: Lessons learned from Tanzania.

Clinical imaging

Sakafu L, Kiango V, Khasim Z, Shoo A, Ndossa M, Kagaruki G, Manyama D, Magandi J, Lee AY

Deep Learning to Simulate Contrast-enhanced Breast MRI of Invasive Breast Cancer.


Chung M, Calabrese E, Mongan J, Ray KM, Hayward JH, Kelil T, Sieberg R, Hylton N, Joe BN, Lee AY

Deep Learning to Simulate Contrast-enhanced Breast MRI of Invasive Breast Cancer.


Chung M, Calabrese E, Mongan J, Ray KM, Hayward JH, Kelil T, Sieberg R, Hylton N, Joe BN, Lee AY

Delayed diagnostic evaluation of symptomatic breast cancer in sub-Saharan Africa: A qualitative study of Tanzanian women.

PloS one

Sakafu LL, Philipo GS, Malichewe CV, Fundikira LS, Lwakatare FA, Van Loon K, Mushi BP, DeBoer RJ, Bialous SA, Lee AY

Radiologists staunchly support patient safety and autonomy, in opposition to the SCOTUS decision to overturn Roe v Wade.

Clinical imaging

Karandikar A, Solberg A, Fung A, Lee AY, Farooq A, Taylor AC, Oliveira A, Narayan A, Senter A, Majid A, Tong A, McGrath AL, Malik A, Brown AL, Roberts A, Fleischer A, Vettiyil B, Zigmund B, Park B, Curran B, Henry C, Jaimes C, Connolly C, Robson C, Meltzer CC, Phillips CH, Dove C, Glastonbury C, Pomeranz C, Kirsch CFE, Burgan CM, Scher C, Tomblinson C, Fuss C, Santillan C, Daye D, Brown DB, Young DJ, Kopans D, Vargas D, Martin D, Thompson D, Jordan DW, Shatzkes D, Sun D, Mastrodicasa D, Smith E, Korngold E, Dibble EH, Arleo EK, Hecht EM, Morris E, Maltin EP, Cooke EA, Schwartz ES, Lehrman E, Sodagari F, Shah F, Doo FX, Rigiroli F, Vilanilam GK, Landinez G, Kim GG, Rahbar H, Choi H, Bandesha H, Ojeda-Fournier H, Ikuta I, Dragojevic I, Schroeder JLT, Ivanidze J, Katzen JT, Chiang J, Nguyen J, Robinson JD, Broder JC, Kemp J, Weaver JS, Conyers JM, Robbins JB, Leschied JR, Wen J, Park J, Mongan J, Perchik J, Barbero JPM, Jacob J, Ledbetter K, Macura KJ, Maturen KE, Frederick-Dyer K, Dodelzon K, Cort K, Kisling K, Babagbemi K, McGill KC, Chang KJ, Feigin K, Winsor KS, Seifert K, Patel K, Porter KK, Foley KM, Patel-Lippmann K, McIntosh LJ, Padilla L, Groner L, Harry LM, Ladd LM, Wang L, Spalluto LB, Mahesh M, Marx MV, Sugi MD, Sammer MBK, Sun M, Barkovich MJ, Miller MJ, Vella M, Davis MA, Englander MJ, Durst M, Oumano M, Wood MJ, McBee MP, Fischbein NJ, Kovalchuk N, Lall N, Eclov N, Madhuripan N, Ariaratnam NS, Vincoff NS, Kothary N, Yahyavi-Firouz-Abadi N, Brook OR, Glenn OA, Woodard PK, Mazaheri P, Rhyner P, Eby PR, Raghu P, Gerson RF, Patel R, Gutierrez RL, Gebhard R, Andreotti RF, Masum R, Woods R, Mandava S, Harrington SG, Parikh S, Chu S, Arora SS, Meyers SM, Prabhu S, Shams S, Pittman S, Patel SN, Payne S, Hetts SW, Hijaz TA, Chapman T, Loehfelm TW, Juang T, Clark TJ, Potigailo V, Shah V, Planz V, Kalia V, DeMartini W, Dillon WP, Gupta Y, Koethe Y, Hartley-Blossom Z, Wang ZJ, McGinty G, Haramati A, Allen LM, Germaine P

Mentorship Interest in Breast Imaging: Survey Results From the Society of Breast Imaging.

Journal of Breast Imaging

Weinfurtner RJ, Lee A, Vincenti K, Gundry K, Hoyt T, Klein K, Merkulov A, Mullen L, O'Brien S, Roubein D, Tseng J, Margolies L

MRI Evaluation of the Lactating Breast.

Current Radiology Reports

Maggie Chung, Roberto Ruiz-Cordero, Amie Y. Lee, Bonnie N. Joe, Tatiana Kelil

The Value of Targeted Ultrasound for the Primary Evaluation of Breast Symptoms in Pregnant Women of All Ages.

Journal of Breast Imaging

Holtz JN, Woodard GA, Hayward JH, Ray KM, Kannan N, Greenwood HI, Joe BN, Lee AY

Utility and Outcomes of Pre-Operative Screening Breast MRI for Planned Bilateral Prophylactic Mastectomy in High-Risk Patients.

AJR. American journal of roentgenology

Taliaferro AS, Price ER, Hayward JH, Wong J, Balassanian R, Fay JS, Freimanis RI, Joe BN, Lee AY

Outcomes of screening mammography performed prior to fertility treatment in women ages 40-49.

Clinical imaging

Greenwood HI, Price ER, Lee AY, Kelil T, Jones C, Le M, Jaswa EG

Frequency and Outcomes of New Suspicious Lesions on Breast MRI in the Setting of Neoadjuvant Therapy.

AJR. American journal of roentgenology

Eckstein DA, Price ER, Hayward JH, Joe BN, Lee AY

Intermediary clip placement to assist accurate axillary lymph node localization.

Clinical imaging

Price ER, Vyas S, Lee AY, Wong JM, Joe BN, Ray KM

Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Sentinel Node Tracer Injection: Effects on Breast MRI Quality.

Journal of Breast Imaging

Chapman MC, Lee AY, Hayward JH, Joe BN, Price ER

An Open-Source, Vender Agnostic Hardware and Software Pipeline for Integration of Artificial Intelligence in Radiology Workflow.

Journal of digital imaging

Sohn JH, Chillakuru YR, Lee S, Lee AY, Kelil T, Hess CP, Seo Y, Vu T, Joe BN

Primum non nocere: Utility and outcomes of pediatric breast ultrasound.

Clinical imaging

Wright AG, Hayward JH, Price ER, Ray KM, Joe BN, Lee AY

Performance of screening MRI in high risk patients at initial versus subsequent screen.

Clinical imaging

Hayward JH, Ray KM, Price ER, Sickles EA, Conlon K, Lobach I, Joe BN, Lee AY

The Role of Breast MRI in Detecting Asymptomatic Recurrence After Therapeutic Mastectomy.

AJR. American journal of roentgenology

Chapman MC, Hayward JH, Woodard GA, Joe BN, Lee AY

Utility of Diagnostic Mammography as the Primary Imaging Modality for Palpable Lumps in Women With Almost Entirely Fatty Breasts.

AJR. American journal of roentgenology

Linden OE, Hayward JH, Price ER, Kelil T, Joe BN, Lee AY

Utilization of Patient Navigators in Breast Imaging Facilities Across the United States: A Survey of Breast Imaging Radiologists.

Journal of Breast Imaging

Lee AY, Plecha D, Woodard GA, Price ER, Hayward JH, Mark S, Joe BN

Complete Breast MRI Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy and Prediction of Pathologic Complete Response.

Journal of Breast Imaging

Chen CA, Hayward JH, Woodard GA, Ray KM, Starr CJ, Hylton NM, Joe BN, Lee AY

Utility and Outcomes of Imaging Evaluation for Palpable Lumps in the Postmastectomy Patient.

AJR. American journal of roentgenology

Dashevsky BZ, Hayward JH, Woodard GA, Joe BN, Lee AY

Characterization of Metastatic Sternal Lesions on Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Breast MRI in Women with Invasive Breast Cancer.

Academic radiology

Lee AY, Navarro R, Busby LP, Greenwood HI, Bucknor MD, Ray KM, Joe BN

Efficacy of an Intensive, Ultrasound-Guided Fine-Needle Aspiration Biopsy Training Workshop in Tanzania.

Journal of Global Oncology

Ng DL, Vuhahula E, Zhang L, Waterhouse EG, White KL, Mushi BP, Nyeriga MS, Philipo GS, Mmbaga EJ, Sheth S, Van Loon K, Lee AY, Balassanian R

Paraneoplastic neurologic syndrome as a presentation of underlying breast malignancy.

The breast journal

Laguna B, Hayward JH, Lee AY, Joe BN, Ray KM

Tuberculosis mastitis presenting as bilateral breast masses.

Clinical imaging

Qiao Y, Hayward JH, Balassanian R, Ray KM, Joe BN, Lee AY

Clustered Microcysts on Breast Ultrasound: What Is an Appropriate Management Recommendation?

AJR. American journal of roentgenology

Greenwood HI, Lee AY, Lobach IV, Carpentier BM, Freimanis RI, Strachowski LM

Value of diagnostic imaging for the symptomatic male breast: Can we avoid unnecessary biopsies?

Clinical imaging

Foo ET, Lee AY, Ray KM, Woodard GA, Freimanis RI, Joe BN

Radiologic-Pathologic Correlation for Benign Results After MRI-Guided Breast Biopsy.

AJR. American journal of roentgenology

Maglione KD, Lee AY, Ray KM, Joe BN, Balassanian R

Gadolinium Contrast Enhancement Improves Confidence in Diagnosing Recurrent Soft Tissue Sarcoma by MRI.

Academic radiology

Chou SS, Hippe DS, Lee AY, Scherer K, Porrino JA, Davidson DJ, Chew FS, Ha AS

Inter-reader Variability in the Use of BI-RADS Descriptors for Suspicious Findings on Diagnostic Mammography: A Multi-institution Study of 10 Academic Radiologists.

Academic radiology

Lee AY, Wisner DJ, Aminololama-Shakeri S, Arasu VA, Feig SA, Hargreaves J, Ojeda-Fournier H, Bassett LW, Wells CJ, De Guzman J, Flowers CI, Campbell JE, Elson SL, Retallack H, Joe BN

The effect of trauma backboards on computed tomography radiation dose.

Clinical radiology

Lee AY, Elojeimy S, Kanal KM, Linnau KF, Gunn ML

Concordance of BI-RADS Assessments and Management Recommendations for Breast MRI in Community Practice.

AJR. American journal of roentgenology

Lee AY, Ichikawa L, Lee JM, Lee CI, DeMartini WB, Joe BN, Wernli KJ, Sprague BL, Herschorn SD, Lehman CD

Digital Tomosynthesis to Evaluate Fracture Healing: Prospective Comparison With Radiography and CT.

AJR. American journal of roentgenology

Ha AS, Lee AY, Hippe DS, Chou SH, Chew FS

Accuracy of 3 T versus 1.5 T breast MRI for pre-operative assessment of extent of disease in newly diagnosed DCIS.

European journal of radiology

Rahbar H, DeMartini WB, Lee AY, Partridge SC, Peacock S, Lehman CD

Imaging management of palpable breast abnormalities.

AJR. American journal of roentgenology

Lehman CD, Lee AY, Lee CI

Total ankle arthroplasty: a radiographic outcome study.

AJR. American journal of roentgenology

Lee AY, Ha AS, Petscavage JM, Chew FS

Case 182: pulmonary amyloidosis.


Lee AY, Godwin JD, Pipavath SN

Imaging malignant and apparent malignant transformation of benign gynaecological disease.

Clinical radiology

Lee AY, Poder L, Qayyum A, Wang ZJ, Yeh BM, Coakley FV

Erratum to: Role for TGF-ß superfamily signaling in telencephalic GABAergic neuron development.

Journal of neurodevelopmental disorders

Maira M, Long JE, Lee AY, Rubenstein JL, Stifani S

Role for TGF-beta superfamily signaling in telencephalic GABAergic neuron development.

Journal of neurodevelopmental disorders

Maira M, Long JE, Lee AY, Rubenstein JL, Stifani S

Update on the molecular biology of malignant mesothelioma.


Lee AY, Raz DJ, He B, Jablons DM

Wnt2 as a new therapeutic target in malignant pleural mesothelioma.

International journal of cancer

Mazieres J, You L, He B, Xu Z, Twogood S, Lee AY, Reguart N, Batra S, Mikami I, Jablons DM

Inhibition of Wnt16 in human acute lymphoblastoid leukemia cells containing the t(1;19) translocation induces apoptosis.


Mazieres J, You L, He B, Xu Z, Lee AY, Mikami I, McCormick F, Jablons DM

Efficacy of Wnt-1 monoclonal antibody in sarcoma cells.

BMC cancer

Mikami I, You L, He B, Xu Z, Batra S, Lee AY, Mazieres J, Reguart N, Uematsu K, Koizumi K, Jablons DM

Blockade of Wnt-1 signaling induces apoptosis in human colorectal cancer cells containing downstream mutations.


He B, Reguart N, You L, Mazieres J, Xu Z, Lee AY, Mikami I, McCormick F, Jablons DM

Secreted frizzled-related protein 4 is silenced by hypermethylation and induces apoptosis in beta-catenin-deficient human mesothelioma cells.

Cancer research

He B, Lee AY, Dadfarmay S, You L, Xu Z, Reguart N, Mazieres J, Mikami I, McCormick F, Jablons DM

Dickkopf-1 antagonizes Wnt signaling independent of beta-catenin in human mesothelioma.

Biochemical and biophysical research communications

Lee AY, He B, You L, Xu Z, Mazieres J, Reguart N, Mikami I, Batra S, Jablons DM

Cloning and characterization of the promoter of human Wnt inhibitory factor-1.

Biochemical and biophysical research communications

Reguart N, He B, Xu Z, You L, Lee AY, Mazieres J, Mikami I, Batra S, Rosell R, McCormick F, Jablons DM

Expression of the secreted frizzled-related protein gene family is downregulated in human mesothelioma.


Lee AY, He B, You L, Dadfarmay S, Xu Z, Mazieres J, Mikami I, McCormick F, Jablons DM

Wnt inhibitory factor-1 is silenced by promoter hypermethylation in human lung cancer.

Cancer research

Mazieres J, He B, You L, Xu Z, Lee AY, Mikami I, Reguart N, Rosell R, McCormick F, Jablons DM

Activity of the suppressor of cytokine signaling-3 promoter in human non-small-cell lung cancer.

Clinical lung cancer

He B, You L, Xu Z, Mazieres J, Lee AY, Jablons DM

A monoclonal antibody against Wnt-1 induces apoptosis in human cancer cells.

Neoplasia (New York, N.Y.)

He B, You L, Uematsu K, Xu Z, Lee AY, Matsangou M, McCormick F, Jablons DM

SOCS-3 is frequently silenced by hypermethylation and suppresses cell growth in human lung cancer.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

He B, You L, Uematsu K, Zang K, Xu Z, Lee AY, Costello JF, McCormick F, Jablons DM